Candidates Profile

Candidate Name:                 David Coughlin
Candidate Address:              5 Bradley Road
Candidate Phone #:              (978) 774-2242
Candidate Email:       

Candidate Comment

-Experienced, Informed, Thoughtful, Reasoned Representation.

-10 year Town Meeting Member.

-Home owner, Tax payer, Father of 3 daughters(ages 18,15,and 13 years)all attending Danvers Public Schools.

-Education - B.A. UMass/Amherst
                    M.P.A. Suffolk University/Boston

-I am pro-education and support the proposed renovation of the Holten Richmond building for use as our Middle School. I also support the proposed renovation of Danvers High School. After 40+ years of use the building needs extensive renovation and updating to meet the needs of students now and for the future. Most, if not all communities are renovating their aged school buildings. The children of Danvers deserve this.

-I favor spending tax dollars wisely, not "penny wise, pound foolish" solutions.

-I am concerned about our water situation.

-I value the quality of life we have and will work to preserve it.

I would appreciate your vote on election day. If you have any questions about where I stand please call me.

Thank You!

Please note: Reunite Danvers does not endorse any candidate, nor does the group take positions on town-related projects and warrant articles. Further, posting information on our web pages in no manner infers the author is a member of Reunite Danvers. We are providing a forum for information exchange. Reunite Danvers is open to anyone who wishes to join our group or attend our meetings. The information posted in the candidate biographies and on our comment pages reflect those of the author only. Reunite Danvers has a spokesperson, and only he can speak to the official positions of the group
