Table of Contents



Committee Background

Team Members

Problem History



Building and Equipment

Department Specific Equipment

Services Provided

Dependent Services


Specific Department Details

Beverly Police Department

Beverly Fire Department

Beverly Housing Authority

Beverly Civil Defense

Beverly Inspectional Services / City Electrician

Beverly Harbor Master

Beverly Department of Public Works / Water & Sewer Dept.

Beverly Library

Beverly Senior Center

Beverly Parks & Recreation

Beverly Health Department

Beverly Department of Veterans Affairs

Sealer of Weights and Measures

Beverly Information Services Department

Beverly Airport

City Solicitors Office

Beverly Youth Service

Beverly School System

Beverly Hospital

Remaining Departments / Contacts


Target Efforts by Risk

Assess Compliance

Develop a Vendor/Service Provider Contact Program

Final Note

Appendix A: Meeting Minutes

Appendix B. Year 2000 Warrantee Language

Appendix C. Year 2000 Websites

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